第 30 屆全球核能婦女會年會(WiN Global)正式開跑囉,年會活動將於 2023 年 11 月 12 日至 16 日在迷人的埃及亞斯文(Aswan, Egypt)城市舉行。WiN Global 年會是一個享有盛譽的全球盛會,是一個獨特的平台,且已有三十年的歷史,每年匯集來自全球核能與輻射相關技術領域之專家、學者和同好者,彼此之間透過此平台建立聯繫、知識經驗交流與合作。歡迎您一起來共襄盛舉!
We are thrilled to announce that the doors are officially open for the 30th WiN Global Annual Conference. This remarkable event will take place in the captivating city of Aswan, Egypt, from November 12th to 16th. The WiN Global Annual Conference is a prestigious event that brings together professionals, experts, researchers, and enthusiasts from the fields of nuclear energy, radiation, and related technologies. With a history spanning three decades, this conference serves as a unique platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and collaboration among individuals who share a common interest in these critical areas.