第16屆國際輻射防護協會國際研討會暨美洲保健物理學會第69屆年會將於2024年7月7日至12日於美國奧蘭多城市聯合舉行。大會主題訂為「Radiation Harmonization: Standing United for Protection」。會議論文開放投稿中,投稿期限至今(2023)年10月1日止。
The 16th International Congress of the IRPA (IRPA16) will take place during July 7-12, 2024, in Orlando, USA, with the theme “Radiation Harmonization: Standing United for Protection”. All abstracts must be submitted electronically (link available 7/1/23) by 1 October 2023.
The 16th International Congress of the IRPA (IRPA16) will take place during July 7-12, 2024, in Orlando, USA, with the theme “Radiation Harmonization: Standing United for Protection”. All abstracts must be submitted electronically (link available 7/1/23) by 1 October 2023.